

The 2019-20 school year brings exciting changes that will enhance the quality of education we provide for all students.  As we have been planning over the course of this school year, we would like to share some of the bigger picture items with you ahead of summer break.  We will be sharing more information well ahead of our August 16th start date for 2019, but feel free to reach out if you have additional questions.  This communication sheet is meant to share information at the district level and building level.  Thank you for your continued support of the Crest Ridge School District.


The district has been hard at work planning making improvements to the Crest Ridge School District with the proceeds from the 2 million dollar bond passage from April of 2018.  We are proud to report that pace is on schedule and we assure you that all items that we prioritized and advertised during the bond campaign will be done. Below is a brief summary of both Phase I and Phase II progress as of May of 2019.




MS/HS Gym HVAC Upgrades

Actual $342,663


HS Gym Roof Replacement

Bid at $228,367

June 2019

District LED Lighting Upgrade

Actual $164,744


Replace RTUs and HS and ELEM

Actual $141,444


Site Drainage-Erosion Control

Bid at $105,362

July 2019

Site Pavement at HS and ELEM

Bid at $721,784

August 2019

HS Misc Window Replacement

Estimated $36,600

July 2019

MS Gym Renovations


August 2019

Total Dollar Amount to Date


August 2019

The 4 Day School Week for 2019-20 has allowed us to restructure our calendar to emphasize hours of instruction instead of days of instruction.  Transitioning from a 169 student day calendar to a 156 day student calendar will call for us to start school at 8:00am and end the day at 3:30pm.  This calendar accounts for 10 inclement weather days which we have “built in” and do not have to be made up. A copy of the 2019-20 District Calendar can be found on the district website at www.crestridge.org.

During the 2019-20 school year, teaching staff will almost be doubling the amount of professional development they receive as compared to previous calendars.  Better teachers make better students and we are very excited to enhance our ability to provide professional development at a high level.

6th Grade will be moving back to Crest Ridge Secondary.  Crest Ridge once had a middle school at the secondary building that housed grades 6-8.  Though we are not restructuring as a true middle school, we now have the opportunity to share some of our secondary staff along with exclusively middle school level teachers to provide an excellent structure for our 6th graders.  We feel this move is warranted and will benefit 6th graders socially and academically.

Bus routes in 2019-20 will have changes due to ridership numbers and household locations.  Tuesday-Friday bus routes will be similar to what families experience now, but be sure to come to our back-to-school events in August and visit with Apple Bus.  Current information is desperately needed to ensure we can provide the best transportation solutions possible.

Monday’s (except for holidays) will provide bus transportation for the following purposes.

·         Morning After School Care pick-up to school—no transport from school.

·         Afternoon athletic/activity pick-up to school—no transport from school.

·         Warrensburg Vo-Tech transport to and from Crest Ridge

The Crest Ridge School District will be self-funding the After School Program until at least October of 2019.  We are up for renewal on the 21st Century Grant (After School Program) but will not be notified if we get renewed until sometime in the fall of 2019.

Summer School will be offered from June 3 to June 28.  Format, times, meal offerings will be the same as last year.  Please reach out to Mrs. Evans or Mrs. Heishman if you have questions or need additional assistance.


BELL TIMES   Our AM routine will remain the same.  Doors will open at 7:45. Breakfast served until 8:05.  Students are tardy after 8:10. Our afternoon dismissal will begin with bus riders at 3:20 and car riders at 3:30.

MASTER SCHEDULE   Our specials schedule will remain on a C,O,U,G,A,R rotation, but has been re-vamped so every student will have PE, Music, and Art every other day.  Students will also get Library/Computer classes and class Counseling every rotation.

ADDED OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS  Moving 6th grade to the MS provides us with better flexibility in how we schedule our ELA and Math times.  This allows us the opportunity to provide more individualized instruction that will better meet the needs of all students.  

OCTOBER CONFERENCE WEEK   Parent/Teacher Conferences will be a little different this year.  We’re excited to introduce student led conferences. Watch for more on this as the time gets closer.  We’ve set aside Monday, 10/21 from 1:00-8:00 for P/T conferences, but are committed to meeting with every parent, so we’ll work with you to schedule a time during any day that week.  

NEW STAFF FOR 19-20  We don’t have new staff to introduce, but are happy to announce that Mrs. Bounds will be moving to 3rd grade and Mrs. Milton will be back in 5th grade.

SUMMER SCHOOL PLUG  Summer School is June 3-28.  We’re excited to offer this fun & engaging learning opportunity for incoming K-8th grade students.  We have about 150 students enrolled.  We’ll be offering free breakfast and lunch for all students attending summer school this year.  Also, our After School Care program will be working with us during summer school. Students can now stay in ASC until 5:45.  

MEET THE TEACHER   Meet the Teacher Night will be here before you know it. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, 8/13 from 5:30-7:00.

LEADER IN ME   Mrs. Cave is excited to extend the Leader In Me program for students next year.  She’ll work with students to provide more leadership opportunities. Watch for more info on this!


BELL TIMES: The Secondary will still operate on 50 minute class periods.  The opening bell will be at 7:55 with a tardy bell at 8:00. There will still be a 4 minute passing period.  The day will include a 42 minute advisory & intervention period. The dismissal bell for the day will be at 3:30.

8-8:53, 8:57-9:47, 9:51-10:41, 10:45-12:02, 12:06-12:56, 1:00-1:50, 1:54-2:36, 2:40-3:30

MASTER SCHEDULE: The master schedule is largely complete (HS course offerings are subject to change due to enrollment variances).  HS offerings remain largely unchanged, but course hours may be different. The schedule includes a new MS rotation for grades 6-8, but still includes a full exploratory slate for each grade and daily PE.


MONDAYS: We are currently putting structures in place that will allow for some extended opportunities for students.  Namely for attendance hours and class assignment make-up, job shadowing / college visits, and student tutoring / volunteering for A+ or other organizations.  We may utilize Mondays as an opportunity for students to serve detentions as well.

MS-BIST MODEL IMPLEMENTATION: We feel strongly that a structured support system that emphasizes student-teacher relationships is important.  We plan to emphasize the B.I.S.T. model and meet regularly to discuss student needs and progress.

ROUTINE AND PROCEDURE CHANGES FOR 19-20: There will be some changes to how the day runs (morning routines, lunch set up, etc.), especially for trying to keep the MS separate from HS and to establish a MS identity.

NEW STAFF: Mr. Cooper Collier: HS World History, MS Electives and PE.  Mr. Thomas Hotmer: HS Weights, MS PE and Health. Mr. Scott Dye: HS Mathematics.  Mrs. Melissa Snyder: MS English Language Arts.

NEW CLASSES: We are happy to announce a partnership with Launch, an online virtual class option from Springfield (MO) public schools.  Launch will replace our previous credit recovery tool (A+ Learning Systems) and will also provide courses that can be taken virtually for first time credit or for credit acquisition (if enrolling late in a semester).  Launch is a terrific opportunity to supplement our course offerings with classes we do not offer on campus (like Earth Science) or provide flexible scheduling for courses like ACT prep. It is more a typical online offering that students will see in higher education as well, and every class is taught by a Missouri teacher.

ADVISORY PERIOD: We have been working very hard to create a meaningful and academically impactful advisory period for students where they will receive structured support in not only school work but in life skills.  Advisory will be between the 6th and 7th academic periods (1:54-2:36). Students will not only have teachers who will be checking in with them weekly on academics, but prescribing activities (interventions, scholarship completion, service, tutoring, etc.) based on individual student needs.  Advisory teachers will also be coordinating parent contacts and conferences. We hope we can build more impactful relationships with both students and parents through this process.

BUILDING OPENS…BUSES LOAD: The building will continue to open with bus drop offs at approximately 7:30.  The buses will load each day at 3:30 (not before).


VO-TECH EXPECTATIONS: VO-TECH students will experience some dramatic changes due to the 4 day week.  Because of the 4 day week and changes to the length of the day, VO-TECH students will be able to have the option to sign out upon return from WACC or take an 8th hour course (for credits or credit recovery, NCAA eligibility,or a need for school transportation). VO-TECH students will be expected to attend WACC on all Mondays that Warrensburg is in session.  In line with this, students will be expected to meet the same attendance markers for Monday WACC attendance as all other students. If students cannot meet the marker (essentially 6 absences per semester), they may be removed from the WACC program.


Our Cougar Club After School program will be available on all Mondays school is not in session, except for school holidays. On Mondays, we will open at 7:40 am until 5:45 pm. The program will be available for K-12 students with all students being at the elementary on Mondays. We will provide breakfast, lunch, and snack. Transportation will only be provided in the morning. There will NOT be transportation in the afternoon or evening. Pick up only.

The cost for Cougar Club After School will be:

1 Child

2+ Children

Full Lunch



Free/Reduced Lunch



School Holiday: NO MONDAY ASC

Labor Day- 9/2

Winter Break- 12/23 & 12/30

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - 1/20

President’s Day - 2/17

Easter Break - 4/13

Other days for no ASC:

Thanksgiving Break - 11/27 - 11/29

Winter Break - 12/24 - 1/3

Easter Break - 4/10

Cougar Club After School will be available Tuesday - Friday from 3:30 pm until 5:45 pm. K-5th grade will be at the elementary. 6th-12th grade will be at the secondary. There will NOT be transportation in the afternoon or evening. Pick up only.