
Hey everyone in the CRS universe.  With conferences happening this week, I wanted to put out some clarifying information about attendance (some updates have been made due to changes in guidance from DESE).  

These changes address attendance for students who miss school for quarantines or isolation.  This only applies to students who have been compelled to miss school because of COVID-19 protocols or precautions.  

When students are gone for quarantines or isolation, they are expected to keep up with assignments in all classes possible.  Work is typically presented digitally, but other arrangements can be made.  If students cannot complete all work while absent, they will be given a grace period (equal to the number of days absent).  By the end of this period of time, students are expected to complete all coursework and assignments from the quarantine/isolation.  

If students fail to complete work at the end of the grace period, an adjustment to attendance will be made.  Students will only be granted Quarantine/Isolation exempt status for the percentage of work that they have completed.  For a basic example, a student who only completed 3 of 6 assignments during a 4 day quarantine would have attendance adjusted at the end of the grace period to 2 days of quarantine and 2 days of regular absence.   

In the Secondary building, regular attendance policies are in place this year after being temporarily suspended for COVID.  Students who exceed the limit of 3 absences a quarter will have to make up time to regain grades that are reduced due to failure to attend.  

Please make note of these changes and remember that attendance at school is important.  In addition to these changes for COVID related absences, it is worth reminding that the following absences are not kept against a student's total: for medical appointments, illnesses excused with a doctor's note, illnesses that required a nurse to dismiss a student from school.  If in doubt, please keep students home if they are ill--we can work out attendance after their return.