
Crest Ridge Community--

The attached flow-chart is our most current guidance from the Johnson County Community Health Services.  The Crest Ridge District Nurse will use this resource when staff or students present symptoms similar to COVID-19.  If you see that your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms away from school, please contact District Nurse Janet Everhart at 660-656-3316 prior to their return.  

Both the elementary and secondary buildings have designated rooms where symptomatic students or staff will remain until they are able to leave campus.  This short-term isolation is recommended by our local health agency.

As a reminder, our district's re-entry plan is published on our website.  In addition, we are very willing to clarify or answer any questions you may have in regards to safety, academic or athletic related topics.  We thank our Crest Ridge community for doing everything possible to help keep our schools safe and OPEN!

Click Here to View the Chart!