
Crest Ridge Community, 

The Johnson County Community Health Services Department has updated their guidelines and safety protocols for students/staff presenting symptoms similar to COVID-19 and returning to school.  These flowcharts replace the one that was originally published on the district's website "NEWS" feed on August 20th, 2020.

 A fever was listed as a high risk symptom, but is actually considered a low-risk symptom.  This change is reflected on the new flow chart linked at the bottom called "UPDATED GUIDELINES AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS SHEET".  Another version of the the same flowchart is also attached called "STUDENT SYMPTOM DECISION TREE".

A student or staff member showing two or more low-risk symptoms, without known exposure could be a number of different ailments. However, if a student does develop two or more of these symptoms, and does not seek evaluation by a healthcare provider, then they should be expected to stay home for the next 10 days, as it could be COVID-19. This is simply to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the district. 

We continue to ask that you make it a routine at home to check for symptoms prior to school.  If one or more symptoms are present, please call your school's nurse to confirm the proper next steps and options that exist for safely returning to school.  Your communication with the school greatly improves our chances of remaining open and allows us to accurately inform you of when it is safe to return.  

Thank you for the continued support.  Go COUGARS!!!